PSHE Programme

Personal, Social, Health & Economics education

Personal, Social, Health & Economics (PSHE) education aims to help improve the ways in which students learn, relate to others, grow socially, choose healthy lifestyles and become independent citizens playing a positive part in society. 

The curriculum is delivered as part of our tutorial program by tutors in ‘FitzFocus’. Our PSHE curriculum is based on content from Jigsaw PSHE. The curriculum spirals year on year to build upon previous knowledge and deliver age-appropriate support and guidance on the key topics each year. Students work each academic year in the following breakdown:

  • Term 1 ‘Being Me in My World’,
  • Term 2 ‘Celebrating Difference’
  • Term 3 ‘Dreams and Goals'
  • Term 4 ‘Healthy Me’
  • Term 5 ‘Relationships’
  • Term 6 ‘Changing Me’

The modules covered also are supported by other areas of the taught curriculum, such as Food and Nutrition, Business Studies, Science, PE and year group assemblies. The PSHE curriculum is supported by Wider Learning Days, where expert external speakers deliver specialist training and workshops with students in a range of areas covering, for example, drugs education, relationships and careers advice.

Our PSHE programme also ensure that our students receive appropriate Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) and that the statutory provision requirements are met. This work all combines to help students develop during their time at Fitzharrys so that they are able to make well-informed life choices both now and in the future as adults.

The aim of the school’s Relationship, Health and Sex Education programme is for students to:

  • Provide a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place
  • Prepare students for puberty, and give them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene
  • Help students develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy
  • Create a positive culture around issues of sexuality and relationships
  • Teach students the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies

The various aspects of sex education such as physical development, the biology of reproduction, contraception and sexually transmitted infections are covered in the curriculum, notably within Science and PSHE.  In addition to this, Year 9 students spend a day participating in a series of expert-led workshops in our successful Sexual Health Education Carousel. This includes focus on the topics of contraception, relationships, sexually-transmitted infections, parenting and personal safety.

The school is aware that its role is complementary and supportive to the role of parents and our aim is to create an atmosphere in which responsible attitudes to all relationships are expected and encouraged. 

Read our PSHE Curriculum Summary for more more details, and find our school’s governor-approved policy on sex education as well as our PSHE and RSHE policies on our Policies page.