Online Systems

Communication with Parents & Carers

Good communication between school and home is vital as this ensures teachers, parents and carers are well-informed and able to provide personalised support to help students achieve their best. Epraise, My Child at School (MCAS), and ParentMail are online systems used by Fitzharrys School to keep parents informed about what is happening in school on a day-to-day and long term basis.



Epraise is used to support positive Behaviour for Learning. Students and parents can access the Epraise website and once logged into for the first time via a computer, access can also be achieved via the supporting app. This is highly recommended as the app enables students and parents to view the House points they have been awarded as well as headline summaries for each House, along with any negative behaviours and supporting interventions awarded; either 'B2' lunch detentions, 'B3' after-school detentions, or 'B3' after-school catch ups for the non-completion of homework. In addition to these helpful features, Epraise also has details of the students' timetable, homework tasks and attendance headline figures, enabling parents to have an overview of what their child is doing in school and how they are engaging with the learning process.

In addition to these day-to-day functions, our parents evening bookings are completed via Epraise, with teacher appointments being booked via the app along with the supporting rooms if these events are held virtually via Microsoft Teams.

The Epraise app is available to download for both Android and iPhone operating systems.


My Child at School (MCAS)

In addition to accessing Epraise, every parent receives a log-in to the My Child at School website which, as well as providing student information such as timetables and live information on attendance, also gives you access to all progress checks following each assessment cycle. Please note, guidance on progress checks can be found at the bottom of our Assessments webpage.

Parents Guide to My Child at School 

We encourage parents and carers to use My Child at School alongside Epraise to support both the academic and personal development of students. Success is achieved by home and school working together in partnership to support the learning process.



Fitzharrys School uses ParentMail as a system for online payments. Through this system, parents can top up their children’s canteen cards (and have an overview of where money has been spent), as well as purchase school ties, pay for school trips and more.


We provide logins for parents and carers for all online systems and recommend checking in with these regularly.

Additional Information

For guidance on our wireless network, as well as social media and internet safety (how to keep your child safe online), please see the expanding sections below:

Wireless Network

We recognise that students need to access the wide range of information and resources available on the internet from their own devices. We have a secure, high speed and freely available wireless network across the whole school site. Students are permitted to bring wireless devices onto site and, with their teacher’s permission, may use them for work in lessons. Read our Mobile Phone Policy for more information on particular permissions for these items.

From a parent or carer's point of view, it is worth noting that internet access through the school’s wireless network is more controlled than through the mobile network and that it probably gives better performance.  Please note we have no insurance to cover personal electronic devices so anything brought onto the site is at students’ own risk.



In addition to the documents linked below, please read the series of Thames Valley Police (TVP) Online Safety Newsletters that can be found in the Newsletters section on our Letters Home page.

UK Safe Internet Centre - Factsheet for parents and carers

UK Safe Internet Centre - Presentation for parents and carers 

UK Safe Internet Centre - Presentation script for parents and carers

Oxfordshire County Council - Supporting young people online

Digital Parenting Magazine