
We currently follow the Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) policy on admissions. OCC administer the applications process on our behalf.

Visit Oxfordshire County Council's website by clicking on the link below: 

Secondary school applications | Oxfordshire County Council

Fitzharrys School's admissions policy is linked below:

Admissions Policy 2025-26

Admissions Policy 2026-27

The catchment area for Fitzharrys School is outlined in the map linked below:

Fitzharrys School Catchment Area

Our Transition from Year 6 page contains lots of useful information for primary school pupils and their parents and carers.

In-Year Transition

If you are moving into the area or wish to join Fitzharrys when the academic year has already started, then we would be very happy for you to visit our school. You will have a tour with some of our students from your year group and have the chance to meet with a member of our senior leadership team to answer any questions.

If you do join us, you will be assigned a tutor group and a ‘Buddy’ who will be on hand to help you out in those first few weeks. We are a supportive and friendly community and new students settle in very quickly. 

Applications should be made using the Oxfordshire County Council admissions policy and procedure.


Further information on admissions, including our Admissions and Appeals policy, can be found on our Policies webpage.