
Throughout all key stages students are assessed in a variety of ways to best understand each individual's progress, strengths and areas for development. These include the following assessment methods:

  1. Regular, in-class retrieval tasks to help students to learn more and remember more
  2. Verbal feedback from all of their teachers in lessons
  3. Feedback and scores from regular homework tasks and quizzes
  4. Written feedback from Framed tasks in every subject on at least a termly basis
  5. Summative assessments at the end of each topic or term, including mock GCSE assessments at strategic points during KS4

Fitzharrys teachers are in regular contact with families regarding their child’s progress, mainly through form tutors but also from classroom teachers themselves. Parents and carers will also receive regular reports on their child’s performance, as well as access to information through ePraise and My Child at School. Formal, national examinations in all GCSE subjects take place at the end of Key Stage 4. A Level courses are examined at the end of Year 13.

Information on target setting is detailed on our Reports web page, and further guidance can be found in our Policies.