
Reporting at Fitzharrys is useful and empowering for all stakeholders and drives progress. 

At Fitzharrys we understand how important it is to know how your child is progressing at school. One of the ways that we communicate this to parents is via reports. We want reports to be empowering for students, parents, and staff, giving them the tools to understand where they currently are as well as how to move forward.  

Data that is collected at reporting points will be used by teachers and leaders in school to ensure that any students who are struggling, either academically or with their approach to learning, are rigorously supported to improve.

Types of Report

Students at Fitzharrys school will receive three different types of report:

Approach to Learning reports are given to Year 7 students and Year 12 students only, at the end of their first term.

They are a chance to review how students have settled in to their studies, giving feedback on:

  • Approach to learning in classroom – teachers will use the best fit from these descriptors for KS3 and these for KS4 & 5 
  • Approach to learning out of the classroom – teachers will use the best fit from these descriptors for KS3 and these for KS4 & 5 
Students will receive one Impact Progress Check report per year, from Year 7 through to Year 11. 

These will give feedback on:

  • Approach to learning in lessons 
  • Approach to learning out of lessons  
  • Target mastery for KS3 or grade for GCSE & A level  
  • Assessment task 
  • Assessment outcome of the task above  
  • Average academic outcomes across the key stage or predicted grade at GCSE & A-Level  
  • Progress comparison to target

Impact Progress Checks will also include written comments or 'Impact targets' given by subject teachers which, if completed, will move students forward in their studies.

Students receive one Information report per year in Years 7-11, and two per year for Years 12 & 13. 

These will give feedback on:

  • Approach to learning in lessons 
  • Approach to learning out of lessons  
  • Target mastery for KS3 or grade for GCSE & A level  
  • Assessment task 
  • Assessment outcome of the task above  
  • Average academic outcomes across the key stage or predicted grade at GCSE & A-Level  
  • Progress comparison to target 

reports guidance

Please watch the videos below for guidance on the information included each type of report issued to students.

KS3 Guides
Year 7 Approach to Learning Reports - Explained
KS3 Impact Reports - Explained
KS3 Information Reports - Explained
KS4 Guides
KS4 Impact Reports - Explained
KS4 Information Reports - Explained

Target setting at Fitzharrys school  

KS3 Mastery outcomes & targets 

At KS3 students will be judged on the following criteria. Each subject has created subject- and year group-specific criteria in line with the following categories. Secure expectations for year 7 will look different from secure expectations for year 8, and so on. As such, students who are staying within a mastery category throughout KS3 are progressing each year.  

We use KS2 data and Cognitive Ability Tests (CATs), which are completed at the start of year 7, to create KS3 mastery targets.

Mastery Outcomes


This student has an advanced understanding and appreciation of the key skills and knowledge required in this subject. They are confident in this area of the curriculum and complete work and produce outcomes of a high quality.

Students who achieve a fluent at the end of KS3 have typically progressed to achieve grades 7, 8 and 9 at GCSE. 


This student is proficient in the subject and is showing a good understanding of the skills and knowledge required. They can complete work well and are capable of good outcomes.  

Students who achieve a secure at the end of KS3 have typically progressed to achieve grades 4, 5 & 6 at GCSE. 


This student is beginning to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in this subject. Their outcomes can be varied, sometimes showing confidence but still needing work on some key areas.  

Students who achieve a developing at the end of KS3 have typically progressed to achieve grades 2 & 3 at GCSE. 


This student is not yet successful in demonstrating the knowledge, skills and understanding for this subject. 

Students who achieve an emerging at the end of KS3 have typically progressed to achieve grade 1 at GCSE. 

KS4 targets   

Fitzharrys use target data from the Fischer Family Trust (FFT) at GCSE. FFT targets are based on KS2 scores - the not-for-profit organisation look at the GCSE scores of all the students who got the same scores as your child when they were in Year 6 and then use that to work out the probability of your child getting particular grades at GCSE. These datasets are updated each year. 

FFT benchmarks are based on how similar students nationally performed in the subject last year (similar students are defined as similar prior attainment, gender and month of birth). At Fitzharrys school we are ambitious for our students, we use the FFT-20 benchmark (the top 20th percentile progress for students); the majority of our students exceed these targets.  

JMF6 KS5 targets  

In JMF6 we use Alps targets for students. Like FFT at KS4, Alps generates minimum expected grades based on students GCSE data and the performance of students with similar prior achievement nationally. Again, this is an ambitious A level target using the top 25th percentile.