The School Day


School Opening Hours

Fitzharrys School is officially open from 8.40am to 5.15pm; this typically equates to 6hrs 35min a day / 32hrs 55min a week. 

School Day Outline

Each morning and afternoon begins with registration time in tutor groups. In these sessions, students will complete literacy activities, including Bedrock and the shared reading of a novel, and study PSHE. They also review their attendance percentages and review progress in different lessons. Alongside a weekly assembly, registration times form an important part of the school day, helping students to reflect and prepare for the challenges ahead being supported by their dedicated form tutor.

Timetable Breakdown

08:40 - 08:50   |   AM Registration

08:50 - 09:50   |   Period 1 Lesson

09:50 - 10:50   |   Period 2 Lesson

10:50 - 11:10   |   Breaktime

11:10 - 12:10   |   Period 3 Lesson

12:10 - 13:10   |   Period 4 Lesson

13:10 - 13:50   |   Lunchtime

13:50 - 14:15   |   PM Registration / Assembly / PSHE

14:15 - 15:15   |   Period 5 Lesson



Punctuality is an important life skill that we support our students to develop, as part of our focus on integrity. We have clear rules around punctuality to ensure that students can get the most out of all the learning opportunities available to them during the school day:

  • The first bell for school rings at 8:37am. This signal indicates that students should be moving towards the form line-ups or tutor rooms.
  • The second bell rings at 8:40am. Students should be present in their form line-up, or sat in their tutor room. Any students still coming into school at this point, or after 8:40am, without a valid reason, will get a B2 (lunchtime) detention for lateness issued by the members of staff on the gate.
  • Any student arriving to school after the staff on the gate have gone in, or at any other point in the day, must sign in at the Student Services office.
  • Registers are monitored throughout the day; any student arriving who do not sign in at Student Services will be issued with a B3 (after school) detention.
  • If a student is late to a lesson (i.e. arriving clearly after your class is settled and learning has started), and they do not have a valid reason, then the teacher will issue a B2 detention.

Fitzharrys School understands that students will sometimes have a valid reason for being late, i.e. unusually heavy traffic, or a delayed bus. Our administration team politely request that parents and carers contact the school as early as possible with notice of any late arrivals to help support the school's attendance monitoring system.

Further information can be found on our Attendance webpage.