Uniform helps to create a sense of community and equality and there is a compulsory uniform for students in years 7-11 at Fitzharrys School. The Headteacher reserves the right to send students home who are not appropriately dressed.
Please note: our school tie is only available at Fitzharrys School - over the counter in Student Services. As the school has now moved to a cashless system, we politely request that payments for ties are made online through via the Accounts tab on ParentMail.
Our Supplier
The lists below detail our uniform, with all starred* items available online from our supplier: Price & Buckland.
The cost of uniform is displayed by each item on the Price & Buckland website. The online ordering service allows you to view and order uniform 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Orders are usually dispatched to a personal address within 5 working days although times will be extended during the busier months (June - September). There is also an option to have deliveries sent to Fitzharrys, which can save on costs. Please note, Fitzharrys cannot take receipt of any deliveries during the school holidays. Read this information on Price & Buckland deliveries for full details.
Price & Buckland schoolwear is created with the growing child in mind and for a comfortable fit. It is generous in size and durable. Please refer to their sizing information to ensure the right fit for your child. Please note that our Student Services office holds a full collection of sample school blazers, jumpers and summer polo shirts in all sizes; students are very welcome to try these on for size.
Please note: Price & Buckland have recently launched a new website and have advised that parents with existing accounts will need to log in and change their password the first time they revisit the site. Price & Buckland have created a useful video guide which explains how to use their new website:
Second-hand Uniform
Fitzharrys' Student Services office holds a stock of second-hand uniform which can be purchased for a small donation. You are welcome to contact us at any time during the school year if you are interested in purchasing items second-hand; our office manager will be able to let you know what we have in stock.
Uniform & Equipment Lists
We believe our uniform code makes appropriate allowances for the cultural and religious traditions. Parents should discuss the necessity for any variation to the code with the Headteacher. Read our Uniform Policy for more information.
More information can be found on our Expectations webpage, and parents/carers are also advised to read our mobile phone policy.