Clubs & Activities
Fitzharrys offers students a huge variety of extra-curricular clubs and activities at lunchtimes and after school. Whether you want to join one of our many sports teams, love board games, acting, singing, have green fingers or love experimenting in science, there will be something to suit everyone. Students can lead the way in the creation of new clubs, and many other fresh, exciting opportunities are on the horizon; there is always something new to try. Look out for clubs details around school, sign up and get involved!
Clubs Timetable
Our Clubs offer is updated termly. For a full programme of current activities, please view the link below:
Clubs Timetable 2024-25 (updated 24th Feb 2025)
If we do not currently offer the activity you are particularly interested in, talk to your Form Rep or Tutor to register your interest – you may be able to kickstart the creation of a new club!
Homework Club
Homework Club is now open! All year groups welcome. More information in the poster below.
Additional opportunities
In addition to regular weekly clubs and activities, there are fantastic one-off events and short-term activities to challenge you, broaden your skills and widen your horizons. Some of these opportunities can be found on our virtual Noticeboard (check this regularly for updates), and more are detailed below: