Homework Tips
At Fitzharrys school, we value the importance of homework in developing students' independence, research skills, and learning. Research suggests that meaningful homework supports the acceleration of progress in students of secondary school age. We aim, through homework, to promote a culture of scholarship, setting purposeful homework for revision, preparation, and consolidation.
Homework expectations
Embedding good habits around homework will help students become more successful at this important part of their learning journey. Students had an assembly in February about why we do homework, and how to get better at it. The PowerPoint for the assembly is available to view on the link below:
Homework Assembly - powerpoint
Further details about what to expect from homework at Fitzharrys can be found in our Homework Guide:
If students miss homework deadlines, teachers will set a catchup on a Tuesday or a Thursday - these sessions take please in S1 after school, until 4pm. Students will be reminded about this by their form tutor. It is really important that students attend this, to get back on track with their homework.
Top Homework Tips for Students
- Undertake homework in a quiet, homework-friendly area with no distractions
- Get into a routine and schedule regular study time
- Try to do homework the night it is set so that it doesn’t pile up
- Break down large assignments into manageable chunks
- Always try your best
Teachers will put instructions and links for tasks on Epraise. If a student finishes work quickly, they should make sure they have completed work to the best of their ability and inform their teacher so that they can provide extra challenge. If a student finds the work too challenging, they should try their best for the allotted time and let their teacher know their concerns in the next lesson.
Homework Support at School
To support students with this important aspect of their scholarship, we offer a wraparound service where students can complete homework on school premises:
- Our computer room S1 is open on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning from 8am
- Our Library is usually open to all students during break and lunchtimes and has computers available to use for school work
- We offer Homework Club in West Block until 4pm each day
- Our computer room S1 is also open on a Tuesday until 4pm and a Thursday until 4:30pm