Travelling to School

We encourage safe and healthy ways of travelling to and from school, reminding students of the need to take care when walking or cycling to and from Fitzharrys, and to follow the Highway Code. Northcourt Road is a popular thoroughfare at the time when students start and finish school. Members of staff are on duty at the main gate to oversee students at the beginning and the end of the school day.

Cyclists are strongly advised to wear cycle helmets and use bicycle lights (when riding in the dark). There is a large cycle lock-up onsite for bicycle parking. Anyone using the cycle shed must ensure their bikes are securely locked. Whilst Fitzharrys takes all reasonable precautions for on-site safety, including CCTV, the school accepts no liability for bicycles or their accessories. 

School bus transport is managed by Oxfordshire County Council. For information on school transport policy, eligibility for free transport, current routes and timetables, or how to apply for a concessionary place, please consult the Oxfordshire County Council website. Additionally, the following Abingdon School Bus summary may be of use:

Abingdon School Bus - summary

There is on-site car parking available for staff and visitors to Fitzharrys School.  For safety reasons, with the exception of organised transport taxis, the school drive is closed to all vehicles at the beginning and the end of the school day to let all our students enter and exit the site safely; parents and carers wishing to drop-off or collect children by car should please do so beyond the school gate.  We politely remind all visitors to Fitzharrys that the bus stops outside school are designated as no-parking spaces and should be left clear at all times. This enables us to keep traffic moving and to help our children cross the road safely. Thank you for your co-operation.

Park & Stride scheme

Fitzharrys School has introduced a Park & Stride scheme to help relieve traffic congestion in the local area at the beginning and end of the school day. Find out how to apply for a free Part & Stride permit by reading the document linked below:

Park and Stride information